Talent Management

Advisory HR Management Services

 We understand your innate need to independently run the administrative and operational HR function. But if you seek some strategic advice and direction, we provide advice for people management that will directly impact the business plan and forecasting. Our virtual CHRO services help you to connect with designated In house experts and discuss, ideate and plan the solutions that you may want.


Workforce Management 

We help you understand in depth your current organization hierarchy and identify areas of workforce optimization and help maximize competencies and productivity.

    1. Manpower planning and cost optimization inputs.
    2. Study and measure current employee productivity and suggest methods to increase performance.
    3. Help you manage your virtual team dynamics and reporting mechanism.
    4. Help you identify an optimal HRMS tool for manpower management for your organization/business need.


Performance Management  

Curated to your organizational needs, our experts integrate real time performance management into your core HR system and help you make collaborative goals that can help you to deliver your strategy. Once a year, bi annually or quarterly, your choice.

    1. We design and help you put together simple yet effective processes for measuring the performance of your employees.
    2. Define key KPIs and matrices for analyzing performance according to workforce structure.
    3. We also help you and handhold your teams on effective performance conversations through real time sessions and handholding your business managers. Tell them what works and what does not so that you as an organization are able to leap to a quick and more efficient performance culture.
    4. Design goals and exclusive matrices for virtual/project/gig/flexi and onsite workers.


 Compensation and Benefits

A well-defined and effective compensation and benefit system would enable you to attract top talent and retain valued employees. We ensure that the costs associated with compensation and benefits are in line with the organization’s objectives, culture, and philosophy.

    1. Designing and implementing compensation and benefits plans for your teams – in view of the inflations, market competition, internal and external job benchmarking and performance based incentive structures.
    2. Provide insights on annual compensation revisions and performance linked incentives for the organization
    3. Designing Rewards and recognition schemes
    4. Designing and implementing Flexi/Gig salaries/Project based Salaries
    5. Work with you to design different models of employee payouts – variable , incentives , bonus etc  as per your business need


Employee Engagement

We help you in increasing the level of employee engagement to ensure that employees are committed to their organization’s goals, objectives and values, are encouraged to contribute to organizational success, and at the same time are able to enhance their own sense of well-being.

  1. Workplace culture – We facilitate our clients in building a people focused culture in their organization and help keep the workforce engaged through inter team interaction and intra team interactions.
  2. Define and develop engagement surveys,  employee communications and  townhall strategies to provide management with engagement metrics
  3. Design structured employee grievance and escalation frameworks and ensure effective implementation of programs.
  4. Implement gender/diversity sensitization programs to ensure fair treatment for all employees.
  5. Reduce your talent turnover.
  6. Design, develop and implement effective programs for connecting with onsite and virtual workforce