Case Studies

Goal Setting

For a client in warehousing business, Outgrow worked with its department heads to define their annual targets (based on company’s goals for the year) and hence their performance based incentives matrix. The goals were largely classified between (i) financial (ii) people related (iii) customer related, and (iv) operational, with each classification being assigned a certain weightage.

At the end of the exercise, each department, and its members, knew fully well what they were working towards through the year.







Annual Rewards Calculator

For an American client (a trader of luxury products), Outgrow designed the annual rewards calculator, that would automatically throw up the annual increment percentage for each employee based on its unique combination of (i) actual performance for the year (ii) potential for growth over longer term (iii) current CTC penetration as against the market (iv) longevity with the organisation, and (v) criticality for the organisation.


The client had no scientific method for arriving at the % of annual increment for each of its employees.


We designed an annual rewards calculator that would automatically calculate the annual increment separately for each employee.


Approach was to measure up each employee on the year’s actual performance, overall potential, current salary compared to peers, complexity of the current role, longevity with the company and the employee’s criticality for the company.


Each employee received annual increment based on its unique combination of the parameters used for calculating it.


It is important that each employee be treated for its merit, performance and potential and gets rewarded accordingly.

Employee Engagement

For a client manufacturing rugs, we implemented the “people’s charter accountability chart”, a consummate process for employee engagement through periodic 1-to-1 meetings with line manager, team meetings, town-halls, strategy workshops, performance appraisals, 360-degree feedback and training programs









Talent Assessment

For a large client in the space of power generation, we conducted a talent assessment exercise, through the 9-box rating mechanism. The purpose was to identify future leaders, those that the company could rely upon for driving the next phase of growth and also for succession planning. The exercise helped identify key resources that must be retained and developed further.









Employee Policies

For a client manufacturing auto components, we put in place all the employee related policies, almost 20 of them, like that for code of conduct, leaves, travel, overtime, local conveyance, statutory benefits, health & safety, information security, disciplinary action, safety of company assets etc.









Staff Grading

For a client in the hospitality space, we conducted the extensive staff grading exercise. This involved putting in place a grid that allowed for comparison between levels across various departments. As a result of this exercise, each employee knew how it was stacked against others, department notwithstanding.


A client with 800 employees did not have a grading structure within the organization and hence no levels’ parity across various departments. This caused a whole deal of confusion amongst employees, being unable to fathom where they stood in the organization compared to other employees within the same department and those in other departments.


We defined a grading structure with 4 large categories of (i) executors (ii) thinkers (iii) motivators, and (iv) leaders. Each level within each department was then mapped with the grading structure to bring about a hierarchical structure for the departments and also levels’ parity across departments.


It was to design an organization structure with clear hierarchy, reporting lines, with each employee becoming aware of its position within the organization, department and reporting line. This was also intended to enable movement of employees across departments and roles.


A robust hierarchy, clearly defined reporting lines and span of reporting for each manager.


Well defined grading structure and clear reporting lines help definitive positioning of employees, bring about pay parity across departments and facilitate promotion of deserving employees.